Monday, January 3, 2011

'Anthropologie' a love letter

To my dearest Anthro

I have had many loves in my life. Gymnastics, summer camp, and horses. Dance, music, and theater. Television, movies, and reading. Friends, family, and pets. College, college, and college. Becoming an adult, working towards success, and travel. The man that swept me off my feet two years ago, and that today I am lucky enough to call my fiancé.

Yet somewhere in the past year, I learned of something different. I became enthralled in a store. A store that carries the most beautifully unique pieces, destined to bring out the potential in those willing to give in to it. I've come to love weekly visits to this store, the decor and art surrounding me and bringing me to another life completely. A store that forces my creative juices to run like crazy (a very welcome change in the midst of a profession that stifles creativity completely).

And it's truly not just about the store, and the beauties able to be purchased. Anthropologie is a community. The sheer number of blogs devoted to this dream like home is astounding. I so look forward to the time I spend every day with these sweet little blogs. And long to be an active part of this true community.

So, at the start of the new year, one that promises to be fulfilling and sweet, I make a promise to you. This blog is that promise. My attempt to catalog Anthro's "creation of unimagined environments". To document my thoughts, wishes, desires. My successes and my frustrations. To connect with other women inspired and in love with the ethereal dream this sweet store creates. All in all, my Array of Anthro.

You, Anthropologie, take a woman and allow her imagination to run wild.

Run with me, will you?


Yours in Anthro,

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me. Funny how people who don't really love Anthro don't get it. :)I have enjoyed looking at your postings. It looks like we like a lot of the same things! :)
    My blog is:
